Celebrities have been brand ambassadors for decades, if not centuries. But, now a new breed is poised to challenge and perhaps even replace them. They are fashion influencers and companies are gravitating towards them like never before in an era where brands and news go viral on social media platforms like never before and in just a few minutes. It’s time to examine why this is the case and why companies are making fashion influencers the new brand ambassadors for what they sell.
What Do Fashion Influencers Do?
Fashion influencers and fashion influencers in India, especially, are the new in-thing for many retailers and clothing brands partly because of their popularity, but mostly because of their perceived popularity. Celebrities tend to use their soft power and clout in global popular culture to promote and endorse brands for huge sums of money.
Fashion influencers, on the other hand, do all of that and more for free! They promote the brands because they love them that much. They weave their own personal experiences with the brands into emotional and relatable stories. Influencers rely on that relationship building method to build a strong and loyal following that will readily convert.
Their work is substantial because they have redefined and revolutionized the influencer industry. Influencers have broken traditional barriers and changed the ways in which people view brands, follow them, and purchase them.
Influencers encourage feedback, engagement, and conversation. Traditional celebrity brand ambassadors don’t. That creates a sense of trust, community, and liking for the influencer that persuades followers to purchase readily.
Fashion influencers also come from more ethnically and religiously diverse backgrounds than traditional celebrities. So, they are able to highlight different features, aspects, and benefits of brands than celebrities.
Advantages of Hiring Fashion Influencers in India
Indian fashion influencers are doing more than changing the way clothing brands are marketed in India. They are also taking Indian and fusion garments global. It’s time to examine and explore some of the advantages of hiring fashion influencers in India to promote your brands.
They Can Promote Global Brands Faster
Western brands are already placed at a premium by the increasingly affluent Indian middle class. That phenomena gives Indian fashion influencers more mileage because they can be creative when promoting different brands. To use two examples, since, influencer marketing is often content-driven, they can promote brands through product sponsored reviews or vlogs.
They Can Promote Lesser Known Brands
Fast fashion is rapidly becoming popular in India. Thank Indian fashion influencers for that. They have used innovative and radical marketing methods to promote lesser known brands that people can wear once or twice before discarding them. Of course, this has put pressure on Earth’s resources and is leaving a substantial carbon footprint on the environment.
Sustainable Fashion is the New In Thing
If thrift stores have become popular in the West, it’s because of the work of fashion influencers. Fashion influencers in India have been equally busy and successful in changing the face of Indian fashion. A lot of their work has focused on environmentally sustainable fashion. So, they have pushed concepts like sustainable fashion in recent years.
The latest Indian fashion influencers have also highlighted the disasterous impact of fast fashion on the envrionment.
Social Media Platforms are Red Hot
That’s especially true of Instagram and YouTube. When fashion influencers have a presence on these platforms, they can generate a huge and loyal following quickly. One reason why it works is because social media encourages creativity and innovation in marketing and promotion.
To Conclude
Influencer marketing is here to stay. And fashion influencers in India have leveraged the best technologies available to influencerse to promote new and traditional brands – Western or not – to wider audiences. They are creating and promoting India’s soft power while doing so.
https://www.territory-influence.com/how-influencers-are-reshaping-the-fashion-industry/ – what do fashion influencers do?
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/indian-fashion-influencer-digital-age-1-thota-anjani-dmcxc https://www.themediaant.com/blog/what-is-fashion-influencer-marketing/